Doing What is Required
Cellular Expert Delivers the Right Signals for Success

A Yagi antenna at the city of Portland’s Burnside Bridgehead project enhances public safety.

Because building codes vary from city to city, WAC thoroughly vets out local requirements for every project.
Sometimes doing your best is not good enough. Sometimes you must do what is required.
These words from the famed British statesman, Sir Winston Churchill, are ingrained in the heart and spirit of Drew Piriak. This energetic trailblazer has built a legacy of leadership, culminating in his current position as Founder and President of Wireless Applications Consulting, Inc. (WAC) and its sister company, Broadwave Wireless. These firms specialize in enhancing cell phone and public safety two-way radio signals to work within buildings.
Piriak and his capable team go to great lengths to ensure that every job is handled correctly and with the client’s best interests in mind. “When you do a project,” says Piriak, “sometimes you run into substantial hurdles. At the end of the day, you must find ways to navigate around those obstacles. Some people may say, ‘well, that’s the best that I can do,’ to which I say, ‘sorry, but that’s not going to get the job done.’ ”
One of the services that WAC provides is yearly inspections on distributed antenna systems, or DAS, a network of spatially separated antenna nodes that provides wireless service within a geographic area or a structure. These inspections help ensure that systems are functioning properly and keep businesses within code regulations.
“There are specific benchmarks that must be met for buildings to be compliant with the codes for emergency responder radio coverage,” says Piriak. The minimum signal strength threshold is -95dBm into buildings in 95% of all areas on each floor using FCC-certified signal boosters, or other systems approved by local officials. “There are also additional performance criteria that have to be met, as electronics have to stay operational for at least 24 hours during a crisis. A NEMA Type 4 waterproof cabinet, for example, will help protect critical systems from shorting out due to water exposure from sprinklers being activated.”
“DAS helps to ensure the safety of first responders, and facilitates a reliable communications bridge so that those responders can help people during times of emergency.” Drew Piriak, Founder and President, Wireless Applications Consulting
DAS is a specialty solution near and dear to the hearts of the WAC team. “These systems support first responders—police officers, firemen and EMS. When these individuals enter a building during an emergency, it’s critical that their two-way radio communications work effectively,” says Piriak. “DAS helps to ensure the safety of first responders, and facilitates a reliable communications bridge so that those responders can help people during times of emergency.”
Building codes vary from city to city. Piriak and his team thoroughly vet out local requirements for every project, and products are carefully selected to support those requirements. Also, when the team engineers these custom solutions for clients, they design systems that can operate effectively during a worst-case scenario event.
Piriak is passionate about doing what is required; and that passion plays out in the recent announcement that both of his firms have joined the Safer Buildings Coalition to help implement Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System (ERRCS) DAS solutions.
“In 2015, we started focusing more on ERRCS, which is part of code requirements for certain structures. Examples include new buildings typically 50,000 square feet or larger, as well as structures that are five stories or taller or in below-grade areas. An owner will not be able to obtain an occupancy certificate if a building does not meet this requirement,” says Piriak.
He joined the Safer Buildings Coalition because of his concern about first responders and the challenge of keeping communication flowing during emergency situations when people are in buildings and out of touch. Consider that there are over 5.6 million commercial buildings in the U.S. Many of these structures do not have the communications infrastructure in place to keep those inside in constant contact with first responders within the building, or with the emergency command centers.
He and his team understand this need firsthand. They completed 15 public safety DAS projects in 2016 with seven different contractors to support ERRCS solutions.
His business donates DAS services to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, Local 48 in Portland. Piriak has even reached out to a vendor on behalf of Local 48 to request equipment donations, which facilitates hands-on training for students who are pursuing low-voltage education at a Local 48 training facility.
“It’s best if workers possess a basic understanding of how to properly implement DAS solutions, and how to handle cabling. This is critical to a successful outcome for not just the client, but the profession in general,” says Piriak, and adds, “As the saying goes, ‘A rising tide lifts all boats.’”
Commitment and Service
Much of the dedication and resiliency so clearly a part of Piriak’s persona was honed through his years in the Navy. He served on the USS Eugene A. Greene, a DD/DDR-711 Gearing-class destroyer nicknamed “Steamin’ Greene.” When he left the service at 22, he was a 2nd class gunner’s mate.
“In the military, high standards for quality are instilled in you. And as you move up in rank, added responsibilities and duties help increase your work ethic,” he says. His military experience also increased his appreciation for first-rate efforts in the workplace. “I try to hire veterans because their work ethics just seem to be higher than that of other applicants,” he adds.
Once Piriak completed his naval stint, he went on to graduate from Youngstown State University with a degree in computer technology. Wireless communications sparked his interest in DAS and helped to establish the foundation from which he eventually built his business. But first, he needed experience, which led to his early years as an account executive for Motorola. “Clients are sometimes unsure of what they need to classify the actual problem,” he says. “In an account executive role, I was able to listen, learn and develop the skills to discern what a customer was really telling me.”
Lessons Along the Way
Wireless Applications Consulting was established in 1997 and caters to clients near and far, typically in areas west of Denver, Colo. After 20 years in business, Piriak and his team have learned much. “What I particularly enjoy are those projects that involve different types of buildings, or a large venue,” he says. He also explains that their work varies significantly in terms of infrastructure, materials and difficulties.
One noteworthy success story involves the design and implementation of a public safety ERRCS for a newly constructed building at the University of Portland. WAC provided engineering solutions and oversaw all cabling installation, testing and commissioning. The ERRCS’s unique design allows for future expansion to other buildings on the campus and permits the addition of cellular carriers. The crew installed all passive and active system components, which meet both ERRCS and cellular carrier requirements. Future expansion is made possible through the use of fiber-fed active components and a robust antenna layout.
The university’s communications and technology coordinator had high praise for WAC’s work on the campus, shares Piriak. While the team’s attention to detail was appreciated, it was also helpful that they could explain a highly complex project in simple terms.
Staying Strong
Piriak and his wife of 23 years, Ann, both recognize that running a business is like running a marathon. You have to keep fit and consistent. Through the years, they have enjoyed marathons, rock climbing, hiking, daily workouts and healthy lifestyles. Similar to his fitness routine, Piriak sets goals for his business and commits to follow through on them.
“You can’t stand still in the wireless industry in this day and age. We’re always looking at what’s coming next in terms of tech and how that’s going to impact first responders and the general public. Not all tech is going to work out, which is why we spend a lot of time with our vendors and on research to carefully choose the best solutions for our customers,” says Piriak. He is committed to doing whatever is required to go the distance in cellular communications—wherever the journey may lead.